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Avast Free Antivirus 5.1.889

9,186 التنزيلات

Avast Free Antivirus 5.1.889 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

Avast Free Antivirus 5.1.889  غير المفتاح

- solved a compatibility problem with CorelDraw X5
- solved a compatibility problem with Acer control software
- solved a problem inserting a license file via the installation wizard
- solved a compatibility problem with some Dell wireless network adapter drivers
- solved a compatibility problem with Game Guard (used by a number of games)
- solved a compatibility problem with Sibelius
- solved various 0xC0000005 and 0xC000007B errors (e.g. with some .NET applications)
- issues related to upgrades from v5.0 (inactive shields, missing right-click associations, missing 64-bit boot-time scanner etc)
- solved some possible deadlock conditions (relatively rare but possible)
- performance related improvements
- various UI related improvements

Avast Free Antivirus 5 يبني

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