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Comodo Dragon Internet Browser 17.3

3,851 التنزيلات

Comodo Dragon Internet Browser 17.3 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

Comodo Dragon Internet Browser 17.3  غير المفتاح

- Chromium core 17.0.963.46.
- Flash Player plugin crashes, causing Comodo Dragon to crash.
- Fixed compatibity with some extensions (Stealthy, SingleFile) that sometimes caused Dragon to crash.
- "Comodo Dragon is unresponsive" message when launching a second instance of Dragon after install.
- Update was not downloaded when current tab had a low-validation SSL certificate warning loaded.
- Import is now available during installation of Portable version.

Comodo Dragon Internet Browser 17 يبني

Comodo Dragon Internet Browser تعليقات