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Core FTP LE 2.1 (Build 1573)

3,241 التنزيلات

Core FTP LE 2.1 (Build 1573) 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

Core FTP LE 2.1 (Build 1573)  غير المفتاح

Invalid MDTM dates on upload caused crash, fixed.
Prompt for backing up site profiles, added.
CR/LF issues in notification messages, fixed.
SFTP permission error msg fixed (putty only).
Compression problems with directories, fixed & updated.
Site profile not found in cmd line hang (silent), fixed.
-dir issues with no path, fixed.
Help file updates.

Core FTP LE 2 يبني

Core FTP LE تعليقات

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