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CrossLoop 2.80

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CrossLoop 2.80  غير المفتاح

# Multi-Session support for remote access
* This feature is now available for all CrossLoop paid accounts (Pro and Remote Access). You can now launch multiple viewers from the "My Computers" and "Customers" tabs of the CrossLoop website. Each of the viewer sessions is identified by the name of the remote computer. Clicking on the Viewer icon in the tray allows the selection of a specific remote computer. Right clicking on the Viewer icon in the tray can be used to operate on all of the Viewer windows: Cascade, Show Windows Stacked, Show Windows Side by Side, Minimize Group and Close Group.

# Bug Fixes
* The client no longer restores minimized Viewers after 20 seconds, Viewer window will remain minimized
* Caps lock is turn OFF on both the Share and Access computers when the "Connect" button is hit
* Improved connection speed for Instant Share and Remote Access
* Windows XP support for non-admin users
* Added confirmation messages to the Logout and Quit requests
* Additional "Remote Connection Info..."
* Added "Viewer Connection Options" to allow full Viewer control of remote sessions

CrossLoop 2 يبني

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