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Defraggler 1.18.185

7,625 التنزيلات

Defraggler 1.18.185 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

Defraggler 1.18.185  غير المفتاح

- Optimized and bug fixed defrag with large numbers of small files.
- Optimized 64-bit memory usage.
- Drive map is no longer blocked by background operations.
- Simplified the drive map highlighting to make it faster and more memory efficient.
- Fixed control sizes on file search form.
- Fixed issue with exclude files dialog.
- Fixed a few missing translations.
- Fixed bug displaying filenames containing ampersands.
- Improved memory leak detection mechanism.
- Lots of minor bug fixes.

Defraggler 1 يبني

Defraggler تعليقات