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FastStone Image Viewer 2.5

7,295 التنزيلات

FastStone Image Viewer 2.5 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

FastStone Image Viewer 2.5  غير المفتاح

- Add "Overlay (Right on Left)" button in "Compare Images" window, which helps to identify any slight difference between two images
- Add "Compare in Full Screen" button in "Compare Images" window
- Improve Scanner Support in "Scan Board" (press Alt+S). Now you can specify the DPI value of the scanner before scanning
- Filename sorting now uses "Natural Sort".
- Thumbnail Order is remembered when switching folders
- Add option to turn on / off the Preview window in Browser View
- Support Image Tagging (in the "Tag" menu)
- Now it is possible to tag through a large number of photos in full screen by pressing "\" key.
- You can filter out the untagged files and focus on (copy/move/edit/slideshow etc) the tagged ones only.
- Options of Image Tagging can be found in "Thumbnail" tab of the Settings (press F12).
- Fix minor bugs

FastStone Image Viewer 2 يبني

FastStone Image Viewer تعليقات