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Flock 1.1 Beta

8,416 التنزيلات

Flock 1.1 Beta 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

Flock 1.1 Beta  غير المفتاح

This is a BETA version of Flock 1.1, and will not use your browser profile from any previous version of Flock. This is a clean install. This means that when you install this build, you will not have your previous Flock favorites, feeds, or personal info. This info is not deleted, it's simply not accessed.

The commercial version of Flock 1.1 will return to using your normal Flock profile. In other words, once Flock 1.1 is commercially released, your original Flock favorites, feeds, and personal info will return. Anything added while using the BETA version of Flock 1.1 will not be migrated.

Flock 1 يبني

Flock تعليقات

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