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Foxit PDF Reader 5.3.0 Build 0423

10,247 التنزيلات

Foxit PDF Reader 5.3.0 Build 0423 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

Foxit PDF Reader 5.3.0 Build 0423  غير المفتاح

  • Fixed an issue where users cannot open the attachments of PDF files in XP and Windows7.
  • Fixed an issue where the high screen resolution disordered the layout of the installation interface.
  • Fixed an issue where note comments cannot move with the marked content when dragging the scroll bar to view a file.
  • Fixed an issue where a large blank area appeared in the toolbar when reading PDF in web browser.
  • Fixed an issue where users cannot use the arrow keys to view the search results.
  • Fixed an issue where the system executed an action if user typed the shortcut key in the text input box.
  • Fixed an issue where users can only selected the Snapshot area in the current visible area.

Foxit PDF Reader 5 يبني

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