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FrostWire 5.2.8

9,291 التنزيلات

FrostWire 5.2.8 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

FrostWire 5.2.8  غير المفتاح

* Smart search updates uses less DHT resources and fixes logic bugs that results into faster and better search results.
* New Internet Radio functionality on the Library. Play, Add, Remove and bookmark your favorite Internet Radio Stations.
* Book/Document search now crawls for .cbr, .cbz, .cb7, .cbt and .cba file formats.
* New "Show in Library" action for finished transfers. It is now the default action when a finished transfer has been double clicked.
* Clicking on the currently played audio control should always take the user to the currently played audio file.
* Top Library tree nodes re-arranged.
* When downloading a single partial file, the transfer manager shows the proper icon based on the file type of the file being downloaded.
* Add partial downloads, and multiple transfers that contain audio files to playlists right from the transfer manager.
* The library can now be configured to scan any folder the user desires.
* Files can be added to playlists right out of search results.
* New explore action button on the Library tab.
* New send to friend action button on the Library tab.
* Faster loading of Finished Downloads.
* Library search behaves as expected for all kinds of searches.
* A lot of bug fixes.

FrostWire 5 يبني

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