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GoldWave 5.68

15,938 التنزيلات

GoldWave 5.68 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

GoldWave 5.68  غير المفتاح

Changes include:

  • Loopback recording devices for easier stream recording
  • Volume modulation in Flanger effect
  • Improved quality for Similiary mode in Time Warp effect
  • Improved volume in Pitch effect
  • Grid/Snap-to-grid settings
  • Opus file format support
  • Improved playback and recording on multichannel devices
  • Portable installation option
  • Several other improvements
  • Important fixes

This version requires Windows XP or later and most likely will be the last 32 bit version of GoldWave. Future versions will be 64 bit and require Windows 7 or later.

GoldWave 5 يبني

GoldWave تعليقات

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