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Internet Explorer 4.0

42,606 التنزيلات

Internet Explorer 4.0 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

Internet Explorer 4.0  غير المفتاح

Internet Explorer 4 came with

  • Active Desktop
  • Windows Desktop Update
  • Channels
  • Frontpage Express
  • Netmeeting
  • Netshow
  • Web Publishing Wizard
  • Microsoft Chat 2.0
  • Progressive Networks Real Player
  • Outlook Express 4 replaced Internet Mail and News

Other new features in Internet Explorer 4 include

  • Dynamic HTML
  • Inline PNG
  • A parental rating system
  • The ability to 'subscribe' to a website in favorites, where it would notify the user of an update.

Internet Explorer 4 يبني

Internet Explorer تعليقات

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