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Macrium Reflect 5.0.4870

2,903 التنزيلات

Macrium Reflect 5.0.4870 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

Macrium Reflect 5.0.4870  غير المفتاح

# New
* Windows PE Rescue media wizard - Driver injection
- Improved USB3.0 driver compatibility. Macrium Reflect now supports the latest USB 3.0 hardware
* ReDeploy
- Improved performance with some target hardware configurations
# Bug fixes:
* MBR disk restore/clone to large disks > 2TB
- Reflect could crash when restoring an MBR disk (not GPT) if the target disk is > 2TB. This has been resolved.

Macrium Reflect 5 يبني

Macrium Reflect تعليقات