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Mobile Atlas Creator 1.9.9

7,608 التنزيلات

Mobile Atlas Creator 1.9.9 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

Mobile Atlas Creator 1.9.9  غير المفتاح

- Bugfix in PNGW calibration
- RMAPS: Error "failed to retrieve max tile zoom info" fixed
- GEMF: Error "NullPointerException" fixed
- OruxMaps: Patch applied
- Custom XML map: <invertYCoordinate> now works in simple XML map, too
- Loading multiple GPX files at once into MOBAC
- Bugfix NullPointerException when aborting atlas download fixed
- Automatically splitted maps because of the specified maximum map size can now overlap 1-5 tiles

Mobile Atlas Creator 1 يبني

Mobile Atlas Creator تعليقات