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Paint.NET 3.30 Beta 2

2,662 التنزيلات

Paint.NET 3.30 Beta 2 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

Paint.NET 3.30 Beta 2  غير المفتاح

* Changed: Most effects and adjustments, including plugins that use IndirectUI, have been visually refreshed. The new look is cleaner and more compact. These changes are shown in more detail at
* Fixed: Thumbnails for PDN images now include transparency, which improves their appearance in Windows Vista.
* New: For developers, added a Color Wheel control to IndirectUI for use in effect plugins.
* New: For developers, added ability to customize certain properties of the effect configuration dialog via IndirectUI.

Paint.NET 3 يبني

Paint.NET تعليقات

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