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Silverlight 4.0.50826

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Silverlight 4.0.50826 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

Silverlight 4.0.50826  غير المفتاح

- Improves the native extensibility of media stream source that uses the Silverlight technology and the Expression Encoder.
- Enables new Add Row functionality in the Silverlight DataGrid control.
- Enables you to increase the isolated storage size through registry keys or Group Policy settings.
- Improves the startup performance of applications on a computer that enables the Silverlight technology.
- Adds the mouse wheel support for out of browser applications on a computer that is running a Mac operating system.
- Resolves a security issue. Playback of PlayReady-protected content through a remote desktop connection or a terminal session is now disabled.
- Fixed various memory leaks including:
> Memory leaks that occur when mouse capture is used. For example, memory leaks that occur when you use CaptureMouse() in drag-and-drop scenarios.
> Memory leaks that occur when UserControl cannot be garbage-collected because it contains inline data template.

Silverlight 4 يبني

Silverlight تعليقات

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