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SpywareBlaster 4.2

6,149 التنزيلات

SpywareBlaster 4.2 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

SpywareBlaster 4.2  غير المفتاح

  • Windows 7 support
  • Internet Explorer 8 support
  • K-Meleon support
  • Faster, secure updating worldwide
  • Automatic program version upgrade support (for AutoUpdate users)
  • Interface improvements
  • Displays dates and other information in local format
  • Enhanced support for Flock 2.x
  • Better support for upgrading in the installer – now does more to help ensure that previous versions are removed when installing “over the top”
  • Significantly faster “Disable All Protection” operation
  • Fixed “window doesn’t display” on some PCs
  • Fixed recurring “run from Admin account” error
  • Fixed problems detecting some Firefox (and other Gecko-based browser) profiles
  • Fixed crash enabling AutoUpdate on Windows Vista if the Task Scheduler service is disabled
  • Implemented requested “Find Unprotected” right-click feature for the Block Lists
  • Many additional small bug fixes, tweaks, and optimizations

SpywareBlaster 4 يبني

SpywareBlaster تعليقات

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