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SUPERAntiSpyware 4.25.1014

9,479 التنزيلات

SUPERAntiSpyware 4.25.1014 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

SUPERAntiSpyware 4.25.1014  غير المفتاح

* Smart Definitions to detect zero-day threats
* Vundo/SmitFraud Detection Enhancements
* Enhanced Diagnostic System to detect rootkits/cloaked malware
* Improved rootkit removal technology to handle rootkits that disable security applications
* Numerous technology additions to the scanning engine
* Updated Direct Registry Access (DRA) Technology
* Updated DDA (Direct Disk Access) - faster and more reliable

SUPERAntiSpyware 4 يبني

SUPERAntiSpyware تعليقات

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