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Tera Copy 2.00
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Tera Copy 2.00 غير المفتاح
- Fixed: Error when copying entire drive.
- Changed: Test result displayed as 'N files match, N errors'.
- Changed: Rename files by appending _(number).
- Added: 'WaitBeforeClose=N' option (ini file). Set to 1000 for 1 second.
- Added: Register copy handler from TeraCopy Preferences window.
- Added: New Browse for folder dialog with 'Make New Folder' button.
- Fixed: Problems with duplicating Windows Explorer File menu items.
- Fixed: Moving files between remote UNC paths now faster.
- Added: "Run in Admin mode" button.
- Fixed: Setting as default copy handler under Vista Standard accounts.
- Added: Support for Vista x64 (Use TeraCopy as default copy handler).
- Added: Option to disable TeraCopy while Num Lock is ON.
- Fixed: Problem with DEP resolved.
- Fixed: Access violation error when calculating CRC.
- Fixed: Hanging on same drive copy on single core CPU systems.
- Changed: Sound is off by default.
- Added: Progress bar color settings.
- Added: 'TestAlways' option in the ini file.
- Added: Switches: /SkipAll /OverwriteOlder /RenameAll /OverwriteAll /NoClose
- ! Command line changed:
- TeraCopy.exe Operation [*]Source Target [/SkipAll] [/OverwriteOlder] [/RenameAll] [/OverwriteAll] [/NoClose]
- Operation: Copy|Move|Delete
- Source: File,folder
- *Source: Path to filelist
- Target: Destination folder
- Examples:
- TeraCopy.exe Copy D:\Video.avi C:\My Documents
- TeraCopy.exe Move *C:\Temp\filelist.cmd C:\My Documents /OverwriteAll /NoClose
- Important!
- If you're using Total Commander, please change button parameter from
- Copy "%L" "%T" to Copy *"%L" "%T".
- Fixed: High CPU usage.
- Added: Adding files in the separate thread.
- Added: Sound related settings in the ini file.
- Added: Number of retries in the ini file.
- Changed: Small files are processed much faster.
- Added: Start new copy in a separate thread.
- Added: sfv and md5 files support.
- Added: Entry in the Explorer context menu.
- Added: Reorder file list. [Pro]
- Added: Open destination folder in Explorer. [Pro]
- Added: Show shell menu for any file in the file list. [Pro]
- Added: Play sound when operation is complete (>10 sec).
- Added: 'Always on top' option in the TeraCopy system menu.
- Added: Drag destination folder to the "Copy" or "Move" buttons.
- Fixed: Free space detection.
- Fixed: Folder attributes now copied.
- Fixed: Time left now displayed correctly on 12h systems.
Tera Copy 2.00 لقطات
Tera Copy 2 يبني
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