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NSIS 2.39

704 التنزيلات

NSIS 2.39 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

NSIS 2.39  غير المفتاح

NSIS 2.39 is released. This release includes usual collection of bug fixes and
minor improvements.

Major Changes

* Added !define /file and !searchparse (patch #2016254)
* Added service pack macros (AtLeastServicePack, IsServicePack,
AtMostServicePack) for WinVer.nsh (patch #2036802)

Minor Changes

* Added more nsDialogs list box handling macros (patch #2041919)
* Added Unicode version compatible System string type (patch #2025721,
RFE #1961307)
* Fixed nsDialogs atom leak (bug #2053522)
* Minor documentation improvements
* Show hand cursor for nsDialogs links (patch #2004129)

NSIS 2 يبني

NSIS تعليقات

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