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Total Commander 8.00 beta 18

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Total Commander 8.00 beta 18  غير المفتاح

- Fixed: Start minimized with position saved as maximized, restore -> right panel height may be wrong (64)
- Fixed: Directory hotlist (Ctrl+D): Error when clicking on "Add" more than 6 times (problem with subclassing of dialog controls) (64)
- Fixed: Button bar: Use same code to get icon for button when adding it via "Change >>" button as when using drag&drop, also add double quotes if necessary (32/64)
- Fixed: Multi-rename tool: Make Search&Replace groupbox a bit wider than the name groupbox, so the beginning of the "Subst" option is visible by default (32/64)
- Fixed: F3 on some JPG images opened empty lister on Windows XP, use timer to force refresh (32/64)
- Fixed: Error reading external .dbg files to analyze debug logs sent by users (64)
- Fixed: When adding items to submenu in directory hotlist, use ANSI functions to move entries if the ini is ANSI (32/64)
- Fixed: Closing various dialogs (e.g. date/time choose form) could bring other programs to the foreground (Lazarus problem not calling inherited form methods) (64)
- Fixed: Nag screen was resizable (64)
- Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Disable button for list of saved settings (and F2) while a comparison is in progress (32/64)
- Fixed: Main menu: Increased distance between command and hotkey a bit when there are no separators (32/64)
- Fixed: TC would sometimes change to drive C: when removing a device of type PORT, not only in case of a harddisk (32/64)
- Fixed: Updated unrar64.dll to latest version. Can't update 32-bit unrar.dll because it no longer supports Windows 9x/ME/2000 (64)
- Fixed: When changing the sort order in thumbnails view, the cursor didn't scroll into view when in the first row (32/64)
- Fixed: FTP connection details: Also keep surrounding single quotes around remote directory if user enters them (32/64)
- Added: CheckUsbHdd=1 in wincmd.ini [Configuration]: Turn on/off check whether a harddisk is connected via USB, and show it with different icon (32/64)
- Fixed: Cache check whether a harddisk is connected via USB (for different icon) to speed up opening of drive dropdown combobox (32/64)
- Added: InplaceRenameSync=1 in wincmd.ini [Configuration]: Turn inplace rename in sync by left clicking on/off (32/64)
- Added: Rename files directly in synchronize dirs (currently only in the file system), Hotkey: F6 and Shift+F6 (32/64)
- Fixed: Right to left text in file names not shown correctly in print preview (32/64)
- Fixed: Make sure the right drive buttonbar isn't created twice when turning it on (due to resizing problems) (64)
- Fixed: Compare by content: Do not show warning "Files modified" twice if the file was modified again while the dialog was shown (32/64)
- Fixed: Directory hotlist (Ctrl+D): Dropdown menu with list of submenus was shown too high (64)
- Fixed: Main menu bar text wasn't grayed out when the window didn't have the focus with menu bar theme turned off (64)
- Fixed: Select files ("+" key): When clicking on the "Define" button, a selected filter name was passed incorrectly to the opening dialog when containing accents (64)
- Fixed: Support FTP command CCC in connection settings (send commands) to switch to clear after login, e.g. for NAT support (32/64)

Total Commander 8 يبني

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