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Winamp 5.65

868 التنزيلات

Winamp 5.65 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

Winamp 5.65  غير المفتاح

Winamp 5.65
* Improved: Memory allocation optimizations & fixes
* Improved: [ml_playlists] Show currently playing song
* Fixed: Some radio streams no longer playing as a result of the Icecast fix in 5.64
* Fixed: Crash when pasting artwork into File Info dialog in 5.64
* Fixed: [in_mp3] PIC frame rendering in ID3v2.2 tags
* Fixed: [gen_ml] Enter key not working correctly for ml views
* Fixed: [ml_local] Sporadic crashes when importing library in 5.64
* Fixed: [ml_plg] Broken 'View tracks similar to' menu item in main window songticker
* Fixed: [npwachk] Winamp Detector plugin not working with latest Firefox
* Fixed: [wasabi] Quirks with color theme list handling
* Misc: More general tweaks, improvements, fixes and optimizations
* Updated: [enc_fhgaac] Fraunhofer AAC Encoder v3.02.15
* Updated: [png] libpng v1.5.17
* Updated: [gen_jumpex] JTFE v1.2.7

Winamp 5 يبني

Winamp تعليقات

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