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WinPatrol 19.0.2010.0

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WinPatrol 19.0.2010.0  غير المفتاح

* What's so special about the WinPatrol Cloud ?
If "Cloud" sounds stupid and doesn't make sense, think "collaboration". The new version allows everyone in the WinPatrol community to safely share when something new works or doesn't work properly.
The WinPatrol Cloud Edition is considered a “Software-as-a-Service” version of cloud computing and relies on a collaboration approach to bring a huge value to all everyone in the WinPatrol community. Results detected by individual WinPatrol users are collected so everyone using WinPatrol can share their good and bad experiences.

* One part of the WinPatrol Cloud is a poll where the WinPatrol community of users can provide personal feedback on files that are detected. The poll data will be available to both FREE and PLUS users.

WinPatrol 19 يبني

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