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Google Chrome 22.0.1207.1 (Dev)

4,103 التنزيلات

Google Chrome 22.0.1207.1 (Dev) 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

Google Chrome 22.0.1207.1 (Dev)  غير المفتاح

This release contains the following changes:

All Platforms

  • Updated V8 -
  • New-style packaged apps are enabled by default.


  • Fix new installation suffix in [r146217]. Users who installed dev-channel from scratch (i.e. not updating from stable/beta) between July 9th and July 16th might have two Google Chromes show up in “Default Programs” (uninstalling/reinstalling will fix this).

Google Chrome 22 يبني

Google Chrome تعليقات