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Google Chrome 26.0.1397.2 Dev

11,784 التنزيلات

Google Chrome 26.0.1397.2 Dev 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

Google Chrome 26.0.1397.2 Dev  غير المفتاح

- Media Gallery: Removed extension gallery watch count details
- Media Gallery: Added support for mtp device media file system on Windows
- Alternate ntp: implemented right-aligned search token
- Alternate ntp: unpinned bookmark bar in ntp
- Filemanager uses a smart link to the Files App help page
- FIx for Gracefully handling the situation of duplicate public accounts
- Added incoming intent page transition modifier for Android
- Added a mechanism to set the default handler for a URL protocol on Windows 8
- Made easier to move corners of box when cropping large image in's photo editor.
- Fixed showing auto-enrollment-cancellation confirmation dialog
- Ensured that ChromeVox highlight moves out of a11y popup when it is closed
- Added 'dark' versions for the LTE/HSPA/GPRS icons so that we show them correctly on the network list
- Split Date/Time picker values from IME processing
- Removed the Instant checks for web contents modal dialog
- Brought back the file dialogs for chrome AURA
- Fixes for Cellular indicators
- Removed the NaCl SRPC proxy from Chrome
- Updated Task Manager looks closer to the new dialog style
- Fix to activate the last used profile
- Fixed crash when popping up speech input bubble in CF
- Fixed views implementation of table and tree to use the right system colors
- Filled unexpected gap in a IME candidate window
- NaCl SDK: Built a naclports bundle (linux only)
- Pop up requestAutocomplete UI when autofill server hints chrome client that it is in a multipage autofill flow
- Implemented new Task Manager and Edit Bookmark style, etc
- Implemented support of InputScope for desktop (non-Metro) Chrome

Google Chrome 26 يبني

Google Chrome تعليقات