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PowerArchiver 2007 10.22

6,519 التنزيلات

PowerArchiver 2007 10.22 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

PowerArchiver 2007 10.22  غير المفتاح

* Improved storing of empty folders in TAR, LHA, BH formats.
* Small interface changes

Bug Fixes:
* Fixed Bug #79: Classic mode is now Screen Reader compatible.
* Fixed Bug #107: Open with .exe inside archive issue.
* Fixed Bug #135: .ppf and .psf associations are not working.
* Fixed Bug #146: convert does not save empty tar folders.
* Fixed Bug #94: Focus window issues.
* Fixed Bug #117: Displaying files with certain characters (TAR).
* Fixed Bug #151: Empty folders not shown in file list for certain formats.
* Fixed Bug #143: Compress shell Profiles not showing proper changes.
* Fixed Bug #151: Empty folders not shown in file list for certain formats.
* Minor other fixes and improvements.

PowerArchiver 2007 يبني

PowerArchiver تعليقات