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Rainlendar 2.8.1

2,968 التنزيلات

Rainlendar 2.8.1 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

Rainlendar 2.8.1  غير المفتاح

- The time offset for the initial calendar wasn't initialized so if could contain a random value.
- Creating events with the quick add near the end of the month sometimes caused invalid dates.
- Deleting events from Lua script could cause a crash.
- Transferring the backup files between different computers works better now.
- Possibility to add custom audio as an alarm is now disabled for calendars which don't support it.
- For performance reasons the alarm window will disable automatic updating if it containse more than 10 visible alarms.
- Time offset now adjusts the weekday correctly for the weekly recurring events and tasks.

Rainlendar 2 يبني

Rainlendar تعليقات

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