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TortoiseSVN 1.6.0

217 التنزيلات

TortoiseSVN 1.6.0 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

TortoiseSVN 1.6.0  غير المفتاح

Culminating over 9 months of development effort, this is the best release of TortoiseSVN yet, and delivers powerful features, including:
* Early support for tree conflict detection
* improved revision graph
* ...and many more.

Version 1.6.0
- NEW: Ignoring of multiple selected items by their extension. See
issue #423 for details. (Stefan)
- NEW: The log dialog allows filtering by bug-ID.
See issue #422 for details. (Stefan)
- NEW: Column to show the remote revision in the CfM dialog. (Stefan)
- NEW: The current revision of the working copy item is shown in
bold in the log dialog. See issue #425 for details. (Stefan)
- NEW: The custom tsvn: urls allow a revision to be specified after the
real url, separated with '?'. (Stefan)
- NEW: The state of the 'merge non-interactive' checkbox is remembered
across sessions. (Stefan)
- NEW: editing the author in the log dialog is now possible for
multiple selected revisions. (Stefan)
- NEW: Paste command to paste copied/cut files from explorer into
a working copy. See issue #427 for details. (Stefan)
- NEW: TortoiseProc returns now 0 after the command finished successfully
and -1 if the command failed with an error. See issue #426
for details. (Stefan)
- NEW: Added blame command to context menu of the status list control. (Stefan)
- NEW: "up" button in the repo browser. (Stefan)
- NEW: Checkbox to exclude the externals in the Check-For-Modifications
dialog. (Stefan)
- NEW: Ability to cancel the "patch all" function. (Stefan)
- NEW: Option to disable the context menu for specific paths. (Stefan)
- NEW: Extended the IBugTraqProvider. See issue #428 for details. (Stefan)
- NEW: The status cache handles "runas" now better. (Stefan)
- NEW: Automated removal of unused log caches. (Stefan Fuhrmann)
- NEW: When diffing against BASE, the diff tool now shows the BASE revision
in the view title. (Stefan)
- NEW: if "unversioned files mark parent folder as modified" is active,
the revert dialog shows a hint if unversioned files are found. (Stefan)
- NEW: Auto-maintenance for log caches plus several settings to control
its behavior. (Stefan Fuhrmann)
- NEW: Log cache supports multiple repositories with the same UUID.
(Stefan Fuhrmann)
- NEW: Revision graph settings page. Several previously hidden
features are now available to the user. (Stefan Fuhrmann)
- NEW: The status list control shows the entries grouped by externals if
no changelists are present. (Stefan)
- NEW: two project properties (bugtraq:provideruuid and bugtraq:providerparams)
to specifiy the IBugTraqProvider for the project. (Stefan)
- NEW: Helper dialog to resolve property conflicts. (Stefan)
- NEW: Revision graph can be collapsed / expanded as well as
split and joined. (Stefan Fuhrmann)
- NEW: Helper dialog to resolve tree conflicts. (Stefan)
- NEW: TortoiseBlame shows the revision range in the title. See
issue #429 for details. (Stefan)
- NEW: Revision graph: Option to hide unmodified branches (Stefan Fuhrmann)
- NEW: Revision graph: Option to show workspace modifications as extra node
(Stefan Fuhrmann)
- NEW: Revision graph: Update / Switch WC in node context menu
(Stefan Fuhrmann)
- NEW: A warning is shown if the user tries to add a file that was versioned
but renamed in case. (Stefan)
- NEW: TortoiseMerge scrolls the views automatically when selecting with
the left mouse button down. (Stefan)
- NEW: In the log dialog filter, a ! char at the beginning will negate
the filter string. (Stefan)
- NEW: Column in the check-for-modifications dialog to show
the lock date. (Stefan)
- NEW: Context menu to delete and ignore files at the same time. (Stefan)
- NEW: Tooltips in the action column of the log dialog, explaining the
action icons. (Stefan)
- NEW: When moving/copying a file over an existing file, ask the user whether
to replace that existing file. (Stefan)
- NEW: Shift-click feature for merge tools. See issue #430 for details. (Stefan)
- NEW: "Create patch" and "Check for Modifications" available from
commit/CfM dialog. (Stefan)
- NEW: new column for checkout depth in the CSVNStatusListCtrl. (Stefan)
- NEW: overlays in the CSVNStatusListCtrl for the different depths and
external/nested files and folders. (Stefan)
- CHG: The bug-ID column width in the log dialog is now limited
to 200 pixels. (Stefan)
- CHG: The right-drag context menu now only shows "Export" if a versioned
folder is dragged (for files, the windows 'copy' does the same). (Stefan)
- CHG: The right-drag context menu checks whether source and target are
from the same repository and shows the "SVN move" and "SVN copy"
commands only if they are. (Stefan)
- CHG: When only files are selected for "Add", the Add-dialog is not
shown anymore but the files are added immediately. (Stefan)
- CHG: file:// access to BDB based repositories is no longer supported. (Stefan)
- CHG: the log dialog now shows a possible error message when fetching the
log as a text in the top list control instead of showing a popup
message box. (Stefan)
- CHG: New revision graph look. (Stefan Fuhrmann)
- CHG: Faster and more reliable revision graph filtering. (Stefan Fuhrmann)
- CHG: If tsvn:logtemplate was set and not changed in the commit dialog, it
isn't added to the log history anymore. (Stefan)
- CHG: "Ambiguous URL" option no longer limits log cache functionality.
(Stefan Fuhrmann)
- CHG: Various improvements to log statistics graphs (Aras Pranckevicius)
- CHG: The merge wizard is now resizable. (Stefan)
- CHG: The checkout/export dialogs do not ask whether to create the folder
to checkout/export aynmore but silently create it. (Stefan)

TortoiseSVN 1 يبني

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