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TortoiseSVN 1.7.6

6,177 التنزيلات

TortoiseSVN 1.7.6 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

TortoiseSVN 1.7.6  غير المفتاح

- BUG: repo browser doesn't handle putty session names.
- BUG: Apply patch marks deleted files as "missing".
- BUG: TortoiseMerge truncates long lines.
- BUG: log dialog export uses wrong files when sorted.
- BUG: tripple-click on empty space crashes TortoiseMerge.
- BUG: diff uses wrong tool in case the filename matches a registered extension.
- BUG: log dialog does not refresh to HEAD.
- BUG: overlays not shown if wc contains unversioned folders.
- CHG: use crashrpt.
- BUG: Error when creating a branch/tag from log dialog.
- BUG: context commands for externals can fail.
- BUG: commit dialog fails to enable OK button.
- BUG: Global Ignore Broken for Directories.
- BUG: 'show log' fails for deleted entry.

TortoiseSVN 1 يبني

TortoiseSVN تعليقات