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TortoiseSVN 1.7.3

1,258 التنزيلات

TortoiseSVN 1.7.3 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

TortoiseSVN 1.7.3  غير المفتاح

- BUG: Crash in OpenSSL.
- BUG: Repobrowser: Don't show externals in checkout selection mode .
- BUG: log crashes with too many bugtrack links.
- BUG: crash when accessing a server with an invalid ssl certificate.
- BUG: subdir within WC not recognized as WC.
- BUG: Title Bar not updating with currently viewed repository.
- BUG: IBugTraqProvider2 CheckCommit returns a relative commonURL.
- BUG: folder browse dialog can be closed with invalid paths.
- BUG: Repo browser shows incorrect contents for directories that differ only by case.
- NEW: Option to turn off pre-fetching and external parsing in repo browser.
- BUG: repo browser shows invalid commands for the root.
- BUG: Line wrapping problems in Log Messages dialog.
- BUG: TortoiseMerge slow with long lines.

TortoiseSVN 1 يبني

TortoiseSVN تعليقات