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Trillian (Beta)

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Trillian (Beta)  غير المفتاح

You can chat, send files, and even make Skype calls directly within Trillian. In addition, we’ve polished up the chat history design, exposed the ability to send images on all chat services, upgraded our AIM and ICQ engines, added user streams and other new features to our Twitter engine, and fixed a handful of other minor bugs.

Trillian 5.1 For Windows:

  • Native Skype integration.
  • A refreshed chat history design.
  • The ability to send images on all chat services.
  • AIM and ICQ plugin updates.
  • Twitter user streams and other misc new features.
  • A host of other minor bugfixes and improvements.
  • Coming soon: Native Skype integration for the Mac!

Trillian 5 يبني

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