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Trillian (Beta)

3,201 التنزيلات

Trillian (Beta) 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

Trillian (Beta)  غير المفتاح

  • FIXED - [Emoticon] Camera icon is mis-cropped
  • FIXED - [Game] Added manual timer healing stuff for InstallOnGameSideHelper() function in IngPlugin.cpp
  • FIXED - [Game] Add more items to blacklist
  • FIXED - [Game] Ack not working
  • FIXED - [Game] Allow keyboard shortcut changing
  • FIXED - [Game] A way to localize the strings that are shown
  • FIXED - [Game] Default the keyboard shortcut for games to "Ctrl+T"
  • FIXED - [Game] Don't show unread badge unless its more than zero (except you have to show it in overlay at zero)
  • FIXED - [Game] Dynamically change the height of the edit box based on content
  • FIXED - [Game] Fixed bugs related to unread indicatorRect
  • FIXED - [Game] Fixed crashes
  • FIXED - [Game] Fixed issue with color space in some games
  • FIXED - [Game] Fixed issue with OpenGL (for apps which dont have full rendering cycle (so, render only when some client rect should be invalidated))
  • FIXED - [Game] Fixed issue with SetWindowsHookExA restoring stuff
  • FIXED - [Game] Move game on/off into preferences from plugins
  • FIXED - [Game] Using of d3dx10/11.dll was removed. Now we add compiled shaders into binary as resources and use these
  • FIXED - [Game] Verify image before sending it
  • FIXED - [Group Chats] Realname next to display name in add people dialog
  • FIXED - [Group Chats] Someone left group chat -> didn't update avatar
  • FIXED - [History] History is out of order on some days
  • FIXED - [History] Sometimes shows <A HREF> links
  • FIXED - [IRC] Code 'allow' for self signed certs
  • FIXED - [IRC] Doesn't show 'disconnected' if you try to reconnect and fail via menu
  • FIXED - [IRC] Nicklist does not update properly
  • FIXED - [Languages] Update the wiki to match 5.3 language packs
  • FIXED - [LinkedIn] Window is too small
  • FIXED - [Message Windows] Emoticon window appears in the wrong location on dual monitors if positioned near the edges
  • FIXED - [Message Windows] Fixed a crash related to screen capture
  • FIXED - [Message Windows] Random crash when typing
  • FIXED - [Message Windows] Spell checker crashes on high character utf8
  • FIXED - [Message Windows] Will show console messages if a certain logging setting is on
  • FIXED - [SDK] Fix plugins pages loading the same page for different plugins with the same pages of the same name
  • FIXED - [SDK] Retweet count is not returned in enumerate
  • FIXED - [Status icons] New online/away/etc icons in the taskbar for windows 7 for contact list
  • FIXED - [Status icons] Update message window status icon area to fit 16x16 not just 12x12
  • FIXED - [Wizard] Change ceruleanstudios signup to
  • FIXED - [Wizard] Remove security question from registration
  • FIXED - [Twitter] errors are not handled well with already shortened links
  • FIXED - [Twitter] Settings page may be blank with bad data
  • FIXED - [Twitter] Show retweets only works once
  • FIXED - [ICQ] Blurry avatars on ICQ - try to send 64x64 and 100x100 avatars now
  • FIXED - [XMPP] Settings not saving for accounts that had backslash character in username
  • FIXED - [XMPP] Support and domains based on username for SSL certificate validation

Trillian 5 يبني

Trillian تعليقات

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