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Notepad++ 5.6.5

5,161 التنزيلات

Notepad++ 5.6.5 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

Notepad++ 5.6.5  غير المفتاح

* Fix loading encoding file making file corrupted (after saving).
* Fix xml/html encoding overrides BOM if present.
* Fixed Chinese/Japanese/Korean characters display problem after "find in the current document".
* Add "set find text and find next" feature.
* Add JSP.
* Recover langs.xml while its length is zero.
* Fix "Close Window(s)" in Window dialog bug (if file is dirty and cancel to close).
* Fix finding "\0" or "\x00" issue in find extened mode.
* Add "\u" in find extened mode to find Unicode encoding character(ex. "\u00e9" find 'é').

Notepad++ 5 يبني

Notepad++ تعليقات

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