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BitComet 0.74

7,728 التنزيلات

BitComet 0.74 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

BitComet 0.74  غير المفتاح

- GUI Improved: add default settings of view size and list col width for common screen resolutions
- GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that in 0.73 an explorer window will be opened when task finish if the virus scan program path setting is incorrect
- GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that task list every 5 minutes auto-save function does not work
- GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that "Task File Move to" -> "Other Location" function only applied to first task when multi tasks are selected
- Core Bugfix: fix the bug that in 0.73 sometimes the file is not downloaded entirely when task finish

BitComet 0 يبني

BitComet تعليقات

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