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WinSCP 3.8.1

14,229 التنزيلات

WinSCP 3.8.1 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

WinSCP 3.8.1  غير المفتاح

  • Notice is displayed for period of time on status bar on various events, including:
    • Automatic selection of transfer setting preset.
    • Turning on/off of synchronised browsing.
    • New version release.
  • Synchronization checklist can be sorted by any column.
  • When downloading, up to date remote file modification time is used, instead of cached time shown in file panel.
  • File masks can select files also by their size.
  • Automatic refresh of remote directory after an operation can be disabled (also by keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+R).
  • Stored session can be renamed.
  • Synchronized browsing state is now part of session state.
  • Options dialogs for uploads, downloads, synchronization and Keep remote directory up to date invoked from command-line can be skipped using /defaults switch.
  • Transfer settings presets drop down menu improved to show information about the preset being selected.
  • Parameters /script and /command can be used without /console to run the script without creating a console window (works for .EXE only).
  • Overwrite configuration message offers possibility to transfer file under different name (SFTP-only).
  • Turning off the advanced options on Login dialog hides also some advanced controls on tabs that are otherwise visible.
  • Edit is now a default action for double-click.
  • When new version release is notified, the message indicates if it is beta version.
  • Exclude file mask in example transfer setting preset Exclude temporaries expanded with *~; #*; .#*.
  • Error “EAccessViolation” is now replaced with more meaningful “Invalid access to memory” also in scripting.
  • Mere change from Exclude mask to Include mask is not shown in transfer setting overview unless the mask itself is specified too.
  • Main window no longer flashes when Preferences dialog is closed.
  • Location profiles are renamed inline now.
  • Confirmation of file recycling is configurable independently of file deleting.
  • Reading of remote directory can be cancelled by Esc key.
  • During authentication, usage of stored password is indicated.
  • Shift+Up/Down selects files.
  • Button Cancel is not disabled on message dialogs, when Never ask me again checkbox is checked.
  • Command Insert to Command Line is no longer shown in file context menu on Explorer interface.
  • Bug fix: Menus were always shown on primary monitor in multi-monitor environment.
  • Bug fix: WinSCP was not reflecting system-wide disabling of menu animations.
  • Bug fix: Menus were not animated on Windows XP.
  • Bug fix: Failure when connecting thru proxy.
  • Bug fix: Major CPU consumption during prompt for password/passphrase.
  • Bug fix: It was not possible to edit remote files with name containing characters not allowed on Windows.
  • Bug fix: Timestamp synchronisation was not working properly for remote directory synchronisation.
  • Bug fix: Group control caption was truncated on some XP themes.
  • Bug fix: Button Browse on download options dialog was not preserving trailing backslash and operation mask.
  • Bug fix: Assertion in DirView.pas.
  • Bug fix: Incorrect decoding of SFTP extension version.
  • Bug fix: Command open in scripting failed if password was specified in its parameter.
  • Bug fix: Failure when last access time of file being uploaded could not be retrieved (typical for uploads from CD).
  • Bug fix: Incorrect validation of file masks separated by comma.
  • Bug fix: Before updates information is shown, query is sent to the server, if cached information were retrieved by another version of WinSCP.
  • Bug fix: Transfer option New and updated file(s) only was not being saved.
  • Bug fix: Command line switches /synchronize and /keepuptodate were not documented in syntax overview shown by /help switch.
  • Bug fix: When Never ask me again was checked on query for synchronization before starting Keep remote directory up to date, the synchronization was not performed.

WinSCP 3 يبني

WinSCP تعليقات

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