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Opera 9.50 Beta 2

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Opera 9.50 Beta 2 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

Opera 9.50 Beta 2  غير المفتاح

Changes Since Opera 9.50 Beta 1
User Interface

* Full text history search is now part of the address field, with better results and better performance.
* Introduced a new security notification scheme in the address field; see Security.
* Added alternative tab-closing behaviors. The preferences now include the following options when closing a tab:
o Activate the last active tab (default)
o Activate the next tab
o Activate first tab opened from current tab
* New spatial navigation highlighting, similar to the one used in Opera Mini 4 and the Wii browser.


* Ctrl+Left and Ctrl+Right for Back and Forward are no longer specific to Mac, but also apply to Windows/Unix.
* "Save Draft" shortcut Ctrl+S removed due to the new autosaving of drafts (change is not new but was not listed in previous documentation).
* Shortcut for "Add attachment" in the compose window is now Ctrl+O instead of Ctrl+S.
* Shortcut Ctrl+Enter now sends a message, in addition to Ctrl+Shift+S.
* Changed the handling of "Delete" in mail filter views, with Shift+Del for "Move to Trash" and Del for "Remove from Filter View", in place of Ctrl+X.
* Shortcut for "Duplicate Tab" has been removed.
* Shortcut for "Reopen Closed Tab" has been changed from Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Z to Ctrl+Shift+T

Changes in Keyboard Shortcuts between Opera 9.27 and 9.50 Beta 2
Mail, Chat, and Feeds

* Improved IMAP performance and reliability.
* Faster startup times on systems with NTFS and ReiserFS file systems.
* Improved search results in Opera Mail when using Quick Find.
* Opera can now be set as the default mail application from the control panel.
* Improved feed download speed when there are many existing feed messages.
* Reduced CPU usage when downloading torrents.
* Numerous bug fixes and optimizations.

Display and Scripting

* Added MathML support. See the article on Dev.Opera.
* Opera now cloaks document.all. See the discussion on Hallvord's blog.
* Improved performance of Web pages with XMLHttpRequest (AJAX).
* Added support for getClientRects and getBoundingClientRect.
* Added support for the CSS color and background-color properties for the ::selection pseudo-element.


* Zero bytes in encodeURIComponent and encodeURI are now handled correctly.
* Unicode escapes can no longer be used to put non-identifier characters into identifiers.
* getSVGDocument is now supported in an iframe.
* createDocumentType now throws an exception for malformed qualified name.
* Fixed NodeFilter returning true => 1.
* Fixed HTMLTableRowElement.rowIndex and .sectionRowIndex returning undefined for table rows created via DOM.
* HTMLButtonElement.type now defaults to "submit".
* Fixed form control collection not indexed by name when outside the main document tree.
* Fixed Range.surroundContents().
* Fixed insertNode to not collapse range.
* Fixed removeNamedItem() and removeNamedItemNS() to throw a not-found error.
* Fixed NodeIterator to function well also under dynamic changes.
* Fixed Date.UTC() to do proper 1900 year offsetting.


* All mail and history searching now occurs in a separate processor thread.
* Opera Link now synchronizes notes, in addition to bookmarks and Speed Dial entries.
* New search.ini includes Google Images and Wikipedia.
* Improved compatibility with Gmail 2.


* Improved back-end for Fraud Protection, now enabled by default.
* Added support for Extended Validation (EV) certificates.
* Added automatic updates of root certificates.
* Introduced a new security notification scheme in the address field:
o gold lock on green field for secure sites with Extended Validation
o silver lock on yellow field for regular secure sites
o question mark on gray field for HTTPS sites with problems
o no notification for normal sites
o fraud warning on red field for blacklisted sites
* Opera now distinguishes between local servers on localhost, intranet servers, and remote servers on the Internet. Local servers can use remote resources, but not vice versa.

Windows-specific changes

* Improved performance of painting on Web pages demanding graphics-intensive operations.
* Windowless mode for Silverlight 1.1 now works.

Opera 9 يبني

Opera تعليقات

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