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Feed Demon RC3
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Feed Demon RC3
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Feed Demon RC3 غير المفتاح
- Added: Popular topics - displays the most popular links that appear within your subscriptions. Select "Popular Topics" from the Browse menu or click the "Popular Topics" toolbutton on the toolbar above FeedDemon's browser
- Added: In order to tighten security, FeedDemon's newspapers now completely disable script (details).
- Added: "Blue Vista" newspaper style
- Added: YouTube Video Search added to keyword searches in subscription wizard
- Added: Integration with Windows Live Writer
- Added: When the newspaper has the focus, the following shortcuts are supported:
Ctrl+ArraowUp or K = previous item, Ctrl+ArrowDown J = next item, Ctrl+ArrowLeft = previous page, Ctrl+ArrowRight = next page, F = flag item, S = send item to
, B = add item to news bin, R = mark item read, V = open item link, T = open item link in new tab, Enter = show item, Ctrl+F5 = reload newspaper, adding any items retrieved since the newspaper was last shown and removing any items that no longer match the newspaper filter.
- Added: Browser's border color changes when it has the focus.
- Added: Ctrl+B sets the keyboard focus to FeedDemon's browser
- Added: Ctrl+D marks the current newspaper page read and moves to the next page. If no more pages exist in the newspaper, then it moves to the next unread feed, unless the newspaper was showing a folder, in which case it moves to the next unread folder. (I know that sounds convoluted - but it'll make sense once you use it!)
- Added: Ctrl+I shows favorites menu
- Added: Ctrl+E focuses the instant search box (web search)
- Added: Shift+Ctrl+F enables changing the newspaper filter
- Added: Shift+Ctrl+S enables changing the newspaper style
- Added: Pagination is now supported in FeedDemon's newspapers. The number of items to display per page may be changed on the "Reading" tab in options.
- Added: Ctrl+M shortcut for "Mark page read" and Shift+Ctrl+M shortcut for "Mark all pages as read"
- Added: "Send To" functionality is now dynamic, so power users can add their own items to the various "Send To" menus. Check FeedDemon's User\Data\SendTo folder for details.
- Added: Confirmation dialogs (mark feed read, unsubscribe, etc.) now include a "Don't ask me this again" checkbox
- Added: When summaries (excerpts) are displayed in the Surfer or Blue Vista newspaper styles, a thumbnail is shown next to the post if it contains an image
- Added: "Search Subscriptions" dialog (Tools|Search Subscriptions, or F3)
- Added: Subscription search results are now shown using a different style
- Added: Significant performance boost to searching subscriptions
- Added: Newspapers now highlight keywords in watches and subscription search results (this can be disabled from the Reading page in options)
- Added: Ctrl+A now selects all items in FeedStation's queue
- Added: "Optimize newspaper for low bandwidth" added to Reading page in options (removes all images)
- Added: Enclosures are now shown with "Open" and "Download" links in newspapers
- Added: Smarter detection of clicked feed links
- Added: Options|Appearance now enables changing the newspaper font
- Added: "Sort in reverse" toolbutton
- Added: "Next unread folder" added to View menu
- Added: Confirmation before marking all pages read
- Added: "Configure BlogThis Tools" added to Tools menu
- Added: "Increase newspaper font size" added to Reading tab in options (44691)
- Added: Performance improvements in synchronization process
- Added: Connection test now checks NewsGator login if it exists
- Added: "Manage Folders" added to synchronization options (73975)
- Changed: Search box moved back to browser toolbar
- Changed: If you choose to have FeedStation start with Windows, it will now always start minimized
- Changed: When "Mark feed read when feed changes" is enabled, only posts that were unread when that feed was selected will be marked read (previously, all posts were marked read, even if those posts were retrieved by an update which occurred after the feed was displayed).
- Changed: Subscription and web search merged into single search box
- Changed: The ability to embed the Mozilla control has been dropped. Sorry to have to do this, but the Mozilla Control is no longer being developed, and it doesn't support the features added to newspapers in this version.
- Changed: Newspaper filter and style moved from newspapers to browser toolbar
- Changed: The icon at the top left in Surfer style now marks all pages in the newspaper as read (previously marked the entire feed or folder as read)
- Changed: "Browser position" moved from View menu to Browse menu
- Changed: The display of excerpts (summaries) in the newspaper is now smarter
- Changed: "Synchronization Options" moved from main options dialog to Tools menu
- Changed: The setting to go directly to an item's link when the description is empty (Options | Browsing) is now disabled by default
- Changed: Newspapers now use a shorter date/time format
- Changed: Gradients were removed from newspapers due to IE7 disabling ClearType when gradient filters are used
- Changed: Selecting "open post in new tab" now marks the post as read
- Changed: Right-clicks on "fdaction" links are now intercepted before IE's context menu appears
- Changed: DTDs are now removed from feeds before parsing
- Fixed: Clicking a single item in a feed doesn't use that feed's newspaper style if one has been assigned to it
- Fixed: Clicking "open in new tab" in newspaper opens should open in FeedDemon regardless of external browser setting
- Fixed: Search box appears mid-screen if hidden in previous session
- Fixed: After right-clicking an inactive feed or folder, the newspaper doesn't appear when clicking an item in the active feed.
- Fixed: "Search Options" toolbutton shows wrong name in toolbar customization menu
- Fixed: Bogus newspaper title link when a group is selected in the news item list (76450)
- Fixed: FeedStation displays multiple login dialogs when checking "My Podcasts" if login is incorrect (76464)
- Fixed: Maximized FeedDemon not correctly restored
- Fixed: Hitting Enter in the newspaper doesn't mark the selected item as read
- Fixed: Unexpected scrolling when navigating back in newspaper
- Fixed: Web search results show in external browser when "Open external links in default browser" is enabled
- Fixed: Connection test doesn't correctly check NewsGator login
- Fixed: Embedded browser displays JavaScript error alerts even when "Suppress dialogs and error messages in browser" is enabled (76623)
- Fixed: FeedStation shows inaccurate download count in tooltip after deleting active download (76137)
- Fixed: Subscription list isn't anti-aliasing correctly when font size set to 120dpi (61071)
- Fixed: Subscribing to a feed that uses a temporary redirect subscribes to the redirected feed
- Fixed: Synchronization failures due to not detecting active connection (73823)
- Fixed: Clicking far top right of item in Surfer style doesn't select it (76636)
- Fixed: Clicking "Refresh" when a newspaper is showing doesn't show items received since the newspaper was displayed
- Fixed: OK button not enabled after clicking "Include in desktop alert" in feed properties
- Fixed: Long feed titles cut off in Surfer style when using IE7
- Fixed: Inconsistent handling of user-entered URLs in address bar (75805)
- Fixed: Ctrl+Wheel doesn't change text size when IE7 is installed (75868) (
- Fixed: Alt+Tabbing to another application when FeedDemon's browser has the focus doesn't restore the focus to the browser when Alt+Tabbing back to FeedDemon
- Fixed: When grouping by title in Surfer style, titles containing a "+" character can't be collapsed (76060) (
- Fixed: When excerpts are displayed, /li/ elements run together
- Fixed: Inadequate stripping of style elements from feed content
- Fixed: MRSS thumbnails not supported in Soapbox feeds
- Fixed: Incorrect sizing of MRSS thumbnails when thumbnail height/width not included in feed
- Fixed: Favicon retrieval shouldn't display login dialog when HTTP 401/407 encountered
- Fixed: Exception when synchronization attempted while offline (
- Fixed: Style and filter toolbuttons hidden if toolbar customized in previous version (75315) (
- Fixed: When a feed or folder has a specific style assigned to it, choosing a different style from the style selection has no impact (75313) (
- Fixed: No change in newspaper when an item is selected in the news item list and both "Open External Links in Default Browser" and "Go directly to an item's link" are enabled. (
- Fixed: Error if BlogThis.dat not found (75455)
- Fixed: Hourglass cursor stays over subscriptions following update (68907)
- Fixed: FeedDemon doesn't alert to subscription changes at startup unless at least one synched feed has new content
- Fixed: FeedDemon fails to prompt for proxy login when HTTP 407 encountered (72671)
- Fixed: If you pause FeedStation and then delete the last remaining download, when FeedStation is closed it still warns that downloads are active (72601)
- Fixed: When automatic unsubscribe is enabled for a feed during the subscription process, the feed is immediately removed it's empty
- Fixed: FeedDemon reports subscription changes when subfolder has same name as FeedDemon folder (72981)
- Fixed: If a feed is marked read right after items in it were marked as unread, those items will come back as unread during the next update
- Fixed: FeedStation fails to download podcasts from poweruser.tv (72050)
- Fixed: FeedStation remains in system tray when user attempts to start a new instance
- Fixed: FeedStation sorts by the full URL rather than just the filename after the "File" column is clicked (72670)
- Fixed: FeedStation fails to rename redirected podcasts (72231)
- Fixed: Recently read items returning as unread after marking feed(s) read
- Fixed: "Search subscriptions" doesn't support Chinese characters (60694)
- Fixed: Bogus location with the same name as computer created after activation (73408)
- Fixed: Incorrect information on "Edit Blog Publishing Tool" dialog (73952)
- Fixed: FeedDemon displays OPML import dialog after browsing to a page with a Grazr panel
- Fixed: Feed's TTL not supported after adding feed (73844)
- Fixed: Corrupt cached feed prevents correct unread count (73368)
- Fixed: Subscription wizard doesn't re-use login supplied to preview (73488)
- Added: In order to tighten security, FeedDemon's newspapers now completely disable script (details).
- Added: "Blue Vista" newspaper style
- Added: YouTube Video Search added to keyword searches in subscription wizard
- Added: Integration with Windows Live Writer
- Added: When the newspaper has the focus, the following shortcuts are supported:
Ctrl+ArraowUp or K = previous item, Ctrl+ArrowDown J = next item, Ctrl+ArrowLeft = previous page, Ctrl+ArrowRight = next page, F = flag item, S = send item to
, B = add item to news bin, R = mark item read, V = open item link, T = open item link in new tab, Enter = show item, Ctrl+F5 = reload newspaper, adding any items retrieved since the newspaper was last shown and removing any items that no longer match the newspaper filter.
- Added: Browser's border color changes when it has the focus.
- Added: Ctrl+B sets the keyboard focus to FeedDemon's browser
- Added: Ctrl+D marks the current newspaper page read and moves to the next page. If no more pages exist in the newspaper, then it moves to the next unread feed, unless the newspaper was showing a folder, in which case it moves to the next unread folder. (I know that sounds convoluted - but it'll make sense once you use it!)
- Added: Ctrl+I shows favorites menu
- Added: Ctrl+E focuses the instant search box (web search)
- Added: Shift+Ctrl+F enables changing the newspaper filter
- Added: Shift+Ctrl+S enables changing the newspaper style
- Added: Pagination is now supported in FeedDemon's newspapers. The number of items to display per page may be changed on the "Reading" tab in options.
- Added: Ctrl+M shortcut for "Mark page read" and Shift+Ctrl+M shortcut for "Mark all pages as read"
- Added: "Send To" functionality is now dynamic, so power users can add their own items to the various "Send To" menus. Check FeedDemon's User\Data\SendTo folder for details.
- Added: Confirmation dialogs (mark feed read, unsubscribe, etc.) now include a "Don't ask me this again" checkbox
- Added: When summaries (excerpts) are displayed in the Surfer or Blue Vista newspaper styles, a thumbnail is shown next to the post if it contains an image
- Added: "Search Subscriptions" dialog (Tools|Search Subscriptions, or F3)
- Added: Subscription search results are now shown using a different style
- Added: Significant performance boost to searching subscriptions
- Added: Newspapers now highlight keywords in watches and subscription search results (this can be disabled from the Reading page in options)
- Added: Ctrl+A now selects all items in FeedStation's queue
- Added: "Optimize newspaper for low bandwidth" added to Reading page in options (removes all images)
- Added: Enclosures are now shown with "Open" and "Download" links in newspapers
- Added: Smarter detection of clicked feed links
- Added: Options|Appearance now enables changing the newspaper font
- Added: "Sort in reverse" toolbutton
- Added: "Next unread folder" added to View menu
- Added: Confirmation before marking all pages read
- Added: "Configure BlogThis Tools" added to Tools menu
- Added: "Increase newspaper font size" added to Reading tab in options (44691)
- Added: Performance improvements in synchronization process
- Added: Connection test now checks NewsGator login if it exists
- Added: "Manage Folders" added to synchronization options (73975)
- Changed: Search box moved back to browser toolbar
- Changed: If you choose to have FeedStation start with Windows, it will now always start minimized
- Changed: When "Mark feed read when feed changes" is enabled, only posts that were unread when that feed was selected will be marked read (previously, all posts were marked read, even if those posts were retrieved by an update which occurred after the feed was displayed).
- Changed: Subscription and web search merged into single search box
- Changed: The ability to embed the Mozilla control has been dropped. Sorry to have to do this, but the Mozilla Control is no longer being developed, and it doesn't support the features added to newspapers in this version.
- Changed: Newspaper filter and style moved from newspapers to browser toolbar
- Changed: The icon at the top left in Surfer style now marks all pages in the newspaper as read (previously marked the entire feed or folder as read)
- Changed: "Browser position" moved from View menu to Browse menu
- Changed: The display of excerpts (summaries) in the newspaper is now smarter
- Changed: "Synchronization Options" moved from main options dialog to Tools menu
- Changed: The setting to go directly to an item's link when the description is empty (Options | Browsing) is now disabled by default
- Changed: Newspapers now use a shorter date/time format
- Changed: Gradients were removed from newspapers due to IE7 disabling ClearType when gradient filters are used
- Changed: Selecting "open post in new tab" now marks the post as read
- Changed: Right-clicks on "fdaction" links are now intercepted before IE's context menu appears
- Changed: DTDs are now removed from feeds before parsing
- Fixed: Clicking a single item in a feed doesn't use that feed's newspaper style if one has been assigned to it
- Fixed: Clicking "open in new tab" in newspaper opens should open in FeedDemon regardless of external browser setting
- Fixed: Search box appears mid-screen if hidden in previous session
- Fixed: After right-clicking an inactive feed or folder, the newspaper doesn't appear when clicking an item in the active feed.
- Fixed: "Search Options" toolbutton shows wrong name in toolbar customization menu
- Fixed: Bogus newspaper title link when a group is selected in the news item list (76450)
- Fixed: FeedStation displays multiple login dialogs when checking "My Podcasts" if login is incorrect (76464)
- Fixed: Maximized FeedDemon not correctly restored
- Fixed: Hitting Enter in the newspaper doesn't mark the selected item as read
- Fixed: Unexpected scrolling when navigating back in newspaper
- Fixed: Web search results show in external browser when "Open external links in default browser" is enabled
- Fixed: Connection test doesn't correctly check NewsGator login
- Fixed: Embedded browser displays JavaScript error alerts even when "Suppress dialogs and error messages in browser" is enabled (76623)
- Fixed: FeedStation shows inaccurate download count in tooltip after deleting active download (76137)
- Fixed: Subscription list isn't anti-aliasing correctly when font size set to 120dpi (61071)
- Fixed: Subscribing to a feed that uses a temporary redirect subscribes to the redirected feed
- Fixed: Synchronization failures due to not detecting active connection (73823)
- Fixed: Clicking far top right of item in Surfer style doesn't select it (76636)
- Fixed: Clicking "Refresh" when a newspaper is showing doesn't show items received since the newspaper was displayed
- Fixed: OK button not enabled after clicking "Include in desktop alert" in feed properties
- Fixed: Long feed titles cut off in Surfer style when using IE7
- Fixed: Inconsistent handling of user-entered URLs in address bar (75805)
- Fixed: Ctrl+Wheel doesn't change text size when IE7 is installed (75868) (
- Fixed: Alt+Tabbing to another application when FeedDemon's browser has the focus doesn't restore the focus to the browser when Alt+Tabbing back to FeedDemon
- Fixed: When grouping by title in Surfer style, titles containing a "+" character can't be collapsed (76060) (
- Fixed: When excerpts are displayed, /li/ elements run together
- Fixed: Inadequate stripping of style elements from feed content
- Fixed: MRSS thumbnails not supported in Soapbox feeds
- Fixed: Incorrect sizing of MRSS thumbnails when thumbnail height/width not included in feed
- Fixed: Favicon retrieval shouldn't display login dialog when HTTP 401/407 encountered
- Fixed: Exception when synchronization attempted while offline (
- Fixed: Style and filter toolbuttons hidden if toolbar customized in previous version (75315) (
- Fixed: When a feed or folder has a specific style assigned to it, choosing a different style from the style selection has no impact (75313) (
- Fixed: No change in newspaper when an item is selected in the news item list and both "Open External Links in Default Browser" and "Go directly to an item's link" are enabled. (
- Fixed: Error if BlogThis.dat not found (75455)
- Fixed: Hourglass cursor stays over subscriptions following update (68907)
- Fixed: FeedDemon doesn't alert to subscription changes at startup unless at least one synched feed has new content
- Fixed: FeedDemon fails to prompt for proxy login when HTTP 407 encountered (72671)
- Fixed: If you pause FeedStation and then delete the last remaining download, when FeedStation is closed it still warns that downloads are active (72601)
- Fixed: When automatic unsubscribe is enabled for a feed during the subscription process, the feed is immediately removed it's empty
- Fixed: FeedDemon reports subscription changes when subfolder has same name as FeedDemon folder (72981)
- Fixed: If a feed is marked read right after items in it were marked as unread, those items will come back as unread during the next update
- Fixed: FeedStation fails to download podcasts from poweruser.tv (72050)
- Fixed: FeedStation remains in system tray when user attempts to start a new instance
- Fixed: FeedStation sorts by the full URL rather than just the filename after the "File" column is clicked (72670)
- Fixed: FeedStation fails to rename redirected podcasts (72231)
- Fixed: Recently read items returning as unread after marking feed(s) read
- Fixed: "Search subscriptions" doesn't support Chinese characters (60694)
- Fixed: Bogus location with the same name as computer created after activation (73408)
- Fixed: Incorrect information on "Edit Blog Publishing Tool" dialog (73952)
- Fixed: FeedDemon displays OPML import dialog after browsing to a page with a Grazr panel
- Fixed: Feed's TTL not supported after adding feed (73844)
- Fixed: Corrupt cached feed prevents correct unread count (73368)
- Fixed: Subscription wizard doesn't re-use login supplied to preview (73488)
Feed Demon RC3 لقطات
Feed Demon 2 يبني
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- Feed Demon Beta
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- Feed Demon
- Feed Demon Beta
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- Feed Demon Beta
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- Feed Demon Beta
- Feed Demon
- Feed Demon
- Feed Demon
- Feed Demon
- Feed Demon
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- Feed Demon RC13
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- Feed Demon RC4
- Feed Demon RC3
- Feed Demon RC2
- Feed Demon RC1
- Feed Demon Beta
- Feed Demon Beta
- Feed Demon Beta
- Feed Demon Beta
- Feed Demon Beta
- Feed Demon Beta
- Feed Demon Beta
- Feed Demon Beta
- Feed Demon Beta
- Feed Demon RC2
- Feed Demon RC1
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- Feed Demon Beta
- Feed Demon Beta
- Feed Demon Beta
- Feed Demon
- Feed Demon RC2
- Feed Demon RC1
- Feed Demon Beta
- Feed Demon Beta
- Feed Demon Beta
- Feed Demon Beta
- Feed Demon Beta
- Feed Demon Beta
- Feed Demon Beta
- Feed Demon Beta
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- Feed Demon RC
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- Feed Demon RC
- Feed Demon RC
- Feed Demon RC
- Feed Demon RC3
- Feed Demon RC2
- Feed Demon RC1
- Feed Demon Beta
- Feed Demon Beta
- Feed Demon Beta
- Feed Demon Beta
- Feed Demon
- Feed Demon Beta
- Feed Demon RC2
- Feed Demon RC1
- Feed Demon Beta
- Feed Demon Beta
- Feed Demon Beta
- Feed Demon
- Feed Demon Beta
- Feed Demon
- Feed Demon 2.0
Feed Demon تعليقات