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Feed Demon Beta

1,966 التنزيلات

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Feed Demon Beta  غير المفتاح

* Added: "Find Feeds" now enables subscribing to multiple feeds at the same time
* Added: Multi-line URLs pasted into the address bar are shortened to a single line (hat tip to IE8)
* Added: Secure URLs are now drawn with a light yellow background in the address bar
* Added: Clippings folders that have an RSS feed now have an RSS icon overlaid on them
* Added: Context menu added when right-clicking a feed in subscription home report
* Added: Subscription wizard now warns when attempting to add a private (intranet) feed to a synchronized folder (125583)
* Added: $ITEM_SUMMARY$ and $ITEM_SUMMARY_PLAIN$ added to "Blog This" tokens
* Added: Numerous optimizations to tabbed browser performance, esp. regarding favicons
* Added: Synchronization optimizations
* Added: "Show in External Browser" added to tabbed browser's context menu
* Changed: The "Next" toolbutton has been renamed "Next Page" (tentative)
* Changed: "Panic Button" no longer displays at startup (now only appears after feeds have updated)
* Changed: "Enable HTTP logging" removed from connection settings
* Changed: Default auto-purge (archiving) value for new feeds changed to 100
* Changed: The "Map This" icon in the newspaper now uses the Geotag icon
* Changed: "Import Feeds" now uses the OPML icon
* Changed: The "OK" button on the "Confirm Deletions" dialog isn't enabled until either "Keep All" or "Keep None" is clicked, or a feed is checkmarked in the list
* Fixed: PgUp/PgDown doesn't scroll browser when inline search has the focus
* Fixed: Subscription tree, subscription report and feed reports don't reflect changes to the current language until FeedDemon restarts (124289)
* Fixed: FeedStation pops up (instead of staying minimized) every time an enclosure is added to its queue from FeedDemon (125217)
* Fixed: FeedStation fails to download podcasts which redirect to URLs that are greater than 256 characters in length (seen with NBC podcasts)
* Fixed: Feeds renamed by user are renamed again when the title of the source feed changes (note that this fix only applies to feeds renamed from this version on) (123755)
* Fixed: Missing 'content-type' meta tag in about-tabs.html
* Fixed: Watches and subscription search fail to match whole words preceeded by a no-break space character (U+00A0)
* Fixed: When the NewsGator password is changed from another location, copies of FeedDemon at other locations can't be updated with the new password (126778)
* Fixed: When viewing full posts, large images may overlap the border of the focused item (128198)
* Fixed: When updating a single feed, the feed's icon doesn't animate
* Fixed: New folders don't inherit root folder's properties (122443)
* Fixed: FeedStation fails to validate the username and password (112477)
* Fixed: Mapped network drives don't appear in the folder selection of the Manage Cache dialog
* Fixed: Line breaks in description display incorrectly in keyboard shortcuts dialog
* Fixed: Can't subscribe to feeds which contain undefined XML entities (seen with Rolling Stone feed)
* Fixed: Empty WordPress "stats" images show up in Popular Topics
* Fixed: Import dialog appears to freeze when expanding OPML folder containing thousands of feeds
* Fixed: Prefetch fails to retrieve single-quoted images
* Fixed: News item list column widths not retained

Feed Demon 2 يبني

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