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Feed Demon Beta

5,287 التنزيلات

Feed Demon Beta 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

Feed Demon Beta  غير المفتاح

* Added: Improved handling of errors updating Twitter status feeds (including intermittent 401 errors caused by Twitter being overloaded)
* Changed: When grouping by starred in the news item list, starred items are now shown first
* Changed: When the login for an authenticated feed is invalid, the login dialog now only displays if FeedDemon isn't minimized and a full-screen application (such as a game) isn't active
* Changed: "Unshare" requests are now synched immediately
* Changed: FeedDemon now checks for items unshared from another location
* Changed: Newspaper styles now use the extension FDXSL4 and language files use the extension FDLANG4
* Fixed: Clipped text in excerpts when using a non-default Windows font size
* Fixed: Tag menu doesn't show the most-used tags
* Fixed: False GZip errors retrieving feeds
* Fixed: Image at start of item's text may clip the first few words
* Fixed: Mouse wheel does't scroll the stream when docked
* Fixed: Watches aren't regularly purged of older items
* Fixed: Watches containing many future-dated items may fail to show new items
* Fixed: Overly-aggressive de-duping following install may remove unread or starred items
* Fixed: FeedDemon fails to warn that Google Reader doesn't support authenticated feeds when you attempt to add an authenticated Twitter feed to a synched folder
* Fixed: Authenticated Twitter feeds display login dialog when Twitter is over-capacity
* Fixed: "Shared by People I Follow" profile images are re-downloaded every time they're displayed

Feed Demon 4 يبني

Feed Demon تعليقات

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