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Feed Demon Beta

1,789 التنزيلات

Feed Demon Beta 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

Feed Demon Beta  غير المفتاح

* Added: Feed and folder properties now enable specifying how many days to keep items
* Added: When you switch to a language file other than the default, FeedDemon validates it to make sure it doesn't have any missing entries or arguments. If any problems are found, a dialog will alert that the language file contains errors and recommend that it not be used. Details on the errors are also shown in this dialog, which should help translators debug their work.
* Added: The "What's New" page is now translatable
* Fixed: Items deleted from non-synched feeds reappear during a later update

Feed Demon 2 يبني

Feed Demon تعليقات

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