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Maxthon Beta

1,688 التنزيلات

Maxthon Beta 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

Maxthon Beta  غير المفتاح

** restored plug bar if install on top of 2.1.0 beta1 need to delete ui.xml
* improved performance when several tabs are opened at the same time
* fixed problem that some tabs cannot be closed
* fixed a "memory cannot read" problem when Maxthon is closed
* fixed a content filter whitelist problem
* fixed a https site favicon display problem
* fixed problem that plugin dialogs may be blocked by popup blocker
* fixed text display problem when web toolbar is reset
* fixed a slow interface problem if favorites contain intranet sites
* changed sniffer notification to "Show Notify icon in Address Bar"
* fixed problem that saving form by mouse gesture may not work
** fixed status bar time zone problem

Maxthon 2 يبني

Maxthon تعليقات

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