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Maxthon Beta

4,937 التنزيلات

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Maxthon Beta  غير المفتاح

# Additions
* Main Framework
- added Maxthon Multi-Search
- added Anti-Phishing
- added Development Tools
- added Save As and Print Page
- added Mouse Gestures, Search, and Smart Address Bar settings
- added opening clipboard URL when right click on New Tab button

# Improvements
* Favorites Manager
- support multi-select with Ctrl/Shift
- support dragging of multi-selected items
- support keyboard shortcuts: up/down arrows, return, delete, tab
* Smart Address Bar
- added searching address bar input from Favorites and History
* Download Manager
- download dialog support keyboard shortcuts ESC & RTN

# Fixes
* Webkit Core
- fixed high CPU usage when using PAC (configured in IE's Internet Options...)
- fixed a mouse gesture scrolling problem when focus is on webpage input box
- fixed file extension problem when picture is saved by context menu and file name is changed
- fixed file type invalid problem when picture is saved by context menu
- fixed a flickering problem of Find in Page under Windows7
- fixed problem that Find in Page dialog is not hidden when Maxthon is minimized
- fixed a display problem when folder is browsed by drag and drop
- fixed problem that tab shows loading stage after webpage is left click to download file
- fixed a Find in Page problem after webpage/content is changed
- fixed high CPU usage related to specific cookie data
* Main Framework
- fixed application focus problem when startup by double click
- fixed a webpage context menu display problem
- fixed Smart Address bar drop down menu display problem after input with certain IME
- fixed animated GIF avatar display problem
- fixed problem that Favorites may not close
- fixed a compatibility problem with Microsoft PinYin IME (Chinese)
- fixed focus problem of some full screen games
- fixed a focus problem after clicking context menu items
- fixed a search bar icon display problem
- fixed a favorites menu scrolling problem
- fixed a favorites menu mouse click problem when tooltip is shown
- fixed a button display problem under certain circumstances
* Download Manager
- fixed Download Manager startup problem when there are many download tasks

Maxthon 3 يبني

Maxthon تعليقات

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